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Business Reasons to use Pinterest

by admin

Business Reasons to use Pinterest

1) Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, and on more items than any of the other top 5 social media sites. (Source: comScore)

2) U.S. consumers who use Pinterest follow an average of 9.3 retail companies on the site. (Source: shop.org)

3) Pinterest pins which include prices receive 36% more likes than those which do not. (Source: Shopify)

4) The number of daily Pinterest users has increased by 145% since January 2012. (Source: Shopify)

5) Pinterest leads in both awareness and visitation among social image sharing sites, with 36% of online consumers aware and 19% visiting. (Source: BizRate Insights)

6) Pinterest generates over 4x as much revenue per click (attributable to first touch) as Twitter and 27% more revenue per click than Facebook. (Source: Converto)

7) 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest. (Source: BlogHer)

8) 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from Pinterest. (BlogHer)

9) Pinterest attracts 1,090 visitors per minute. (Source: Soci@l Jumpstart)

10) Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3x as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in its history. (Source: RJ Metrics)

12) Pinterest generated more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. (Source: Shareaholic)

11) Pinterest drives sales directly from its website — of people with Pinterest accounts, 21% have purchased an item after seeing it on Pinterest. (Sources: comScore and Nielsen)

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